This is part 3 in working with the Shadow Self. Parts 1 and 2 can be found here and here. Once again, this is not work for those new to the Craft. This is more for intermediate to advanced practitioners and if you would like to discuss with me what or how you are doing in this process, feel free to email me via the contact form to the right. I always enjoy hearing from my readers!
At this point, dear reader, you have been working with your shadow for a few weeks. You have met and, hopefully, come to an agreement you can both live with. Your shadow self is enjoying no longer being chained and no long having to live in a dark, empty space. So, now what? Now is the time to make your Shadow Mask. It is time to own this piece of your Self, accept it for what it is.
When I came to this point in my own Shadow work, I was struggling mightily with myself. My Shadow and I were having lots of fun, most of the time. She, then, would throw fear, unattached to any trigger, at me. That wasn't such a difficult thing to deal with, however, when she presented to me the feeling of superiority over others, I struggled. The notion of being 'better' than anyone (not in a prideful way as if I won a game or competition, necessarily, but feeling superior) caused me never ending repulsion at myself. Those who know me in real life can see that I am confident and that I know a fair amount of things, but if I come upon something that I don't know, like astrology, I freely admit that I am quite dumb to the subject. I know what I know and I seek to learn more.
When I found myself looking at the muggles around me and feeling superior because I had experienced some of the mysteries of the world around me that they did not even know existed, I was appalled at myself! However, that is Shadow Work. Thankfully, I was learned enough at that point to recognize it for what it was (after the first time it happened, at least). One day, the feeling persisted. My Shadow was really putting it to me, and I asked her, "Why? Why are you doing this to me? This is not me and we both know it!"
Her response gave me pause. "You have spent your life ignoring this feeling. If you do not feel it and recognize it for what it is, then how can you ever keep yourself in check? How can you keep yourself humble if you don't know what it feels like to think yourself superior?"
Of course! It made complete sense when put in that way. It was a horrible lesson. I was uncomfortable and near tears. I spent days afterward wondering if that was how the horrible people in my life always felt. (You know the type, those who think everyone is 'below' them and seek to punish those who might overstep their bounds.) I gained a new perspective on myself and those around me.
This lesson came around the time it was to make my Shadow Mask. The Shadow Mask is the physical manifestation of the Shadow. We all wear various masks in life, but this mask is representative of the particular lessons your Shadow is teaching you right now.
At this point, dear reader, you have been working with your shadow for a few weeks. You have met and, hopefully, come to an agreement you can both live with. Your shadow self is enjoying no longer being chained and no long having to live in a dark, empty space. So, now what? Now is the time to make your Shadow Mask. It is time to own this piece of your Self, accept it for what it is.
When I came to this point in my own Shadow work, I was struggling mightily with myself. My Shadow and I were having lots of fun, most of the time. She, then, would throw fear, unattached to any trigger, at me. That wasn't such a difficult thing to deal with, however, when she presented to me the feeling of superiority over others, I struggled. The notion of being 'better' than anyone (not in a prideful way as if I won a game or competition, necessarily, but feeling superior) caused me never ending repulsion at myself. Those who know me in real life can see that I am confident and that I know a fair amount of things, but if I come upon something that I don't know, like astrology, I freely admit that I am quite dumb to the subject. I know what I know and I seek to learn more.
When I found myself looking at the muggles around me and feeling superior because I had experienced some of the mysteries of the world around me that they did not even know existed, I was appalled at myself! However, that is Shadow Work. Thankfully, I was learned enough at that point to recognize it for what it was (after the first time it happened, at least). One day, the feeling persisted. My Shadow was really putting it to me, and I asked her, "Why? Why are you doing this to me? This is not me and we both know it!"
Her response gave me pause. "You have spent your life ignoring this feeling. If you do not feel it and recognize it for what it is, then how can you ever keep yourself in check? How can you keep yourself humble if you don't know what it feels like to think yourself superior?"
Of course! It made complete sense when put in that way. It was a horrible lesson. I was uncomfortable and near tears. I spent days afterward wondering if that was how the horrible people in my life always felt. (You know the type, those who think everyone is 'below' them and seek to punish those who might overstep their bounds.) I gained a new perspective on myself and those around me.
This lesson came around the time it was to make my Shadow Mask. The Shadow Mask is the physical manifestation of the Shadow. We all wear various masks in life, but this mask is representative of the particular lessons your Shadow is teaching you right now.
Making the Shadow Mask
Making the Shadow Mask can be as simple or as elaborate as you want it to be. The most important thing here is to carve out enough time to sit and do it. This can be done within a ritual circle, if you would like, or you can sit at your crafting or dining room table. Be sure that there are no distractions! This is a time for you to go inward. As you craft, bring your Shadow to the fore and ask him or her how they want to be perceived.
Large craft stores have the plaster crafting strips that you cut, wet, and apply to your face to create a mask that will fit to your facial structure or, as I did, you can use a cheap paper plate (not the styrofoam kind). From here, use paint, markers, glitter, feathers, beads, jewels, ribbon, or any other crafting supply you have on hand.
This is your time to be creative and loving toward your Shadow. In this process, remind your Shadow that you will never chain him or her again. Remind your Shadow that you seek to come into balance and that he or she has a voice that will not be silenced again. Build up your Shadow. I told my own Shadow something like, "Today, we begin to work together in earnest. Where we were getting to know one another before, building trust, today I manifest you into the physical via this mask. I do this in acceptance of you and in acceptance of my whole self. I will wear this mask to honor you. I will acknowledge this mask in honor of you. We are one. We work together. How would you like to be perceived?"
Often, this acceptance of our own shortcomings is the most difficult part of the work. Listening to our own darkness and the wisdom it holds is frightening. However, if we do not hold counsel with the darkness, we become stagnant. Only ever standing within the light can cause blindness. This is why balance is so important. This is why learning to work with our own negative qualities is needed. We can not turn 'greed' into 'ambition' if we refuse to believe we are greedy.
Take this time to listen to your own darkness, but remember that you must not become your darkness. Take your completed mask and put it some place where you will see it every day. Acknowledge it and reaffirm to it that this is only the beginning. Ask it how to get around, through, or over certain blocks you have on your path. Sometimes, we find that it is the Shadow who put those blocks there and it is the Shadow who can move them.
Brightest blessings, Friends!!