Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ripples in the Pond of Life

It is only Tuesday and this week the pond that is my life has been rippling blessings out and back in.  Through my short journey in the Craft, I have often heard the analogy of ripples in a pond and what you say and do are the stones which are thrown in to cause the ripples.  It could be, I suppose, a layman analogy of the Three Fold Law.

When we, as the spiritual beings that we are, choose selflessness over greed and choose to see the bigger picture, we can effect the lives of people we have never met.  I have already seen this exact thing this week.  It is a most humbling feeling.  I share the one thing I have in abundance, that which we all have, but can never possess: Love.  In return, I see love reflected back to me through others, some whom I have never even met and may never even get to meet.  Yet, it doesn't lessen the fullness in my heart.  It doesn't stop my tears of joy, and there have already been many of them this week.

Those ripples go out, spreading in larger and larger circles, encompassing me, my friends, their friends, and eventually total strangers somewhere far across the world from me.  In a world of seven billion people, I wonder just exactly how one person's joy, thanks, and love for another can be so far-reaching.  I wonder just how many people slow down and indulge in those feelings.  Even more importantly, I wonder just how many people take those things in and spread them within their own circles, causing beautiful ripples in their own ponds of life.  It also makes me wonder just how many people it would take doing this to touch every person on the planet!

There are days when we all get caught up in our own lives and dramas and forget to spread happiness, for sure, but how many of us on those days, have been smiled at by a total stranger on the street?  How many times did that smile make us stop dead in our thread of negativity and completely turn our day around?  How often do we do this?  It's always much, much easier, as we walk down the street, to avert our eyes and not acknowledge a stranger, but what if the eye contact and smile you give a stranger is the only positive thing that happens to them on that day?

Ripples in the pond, friends.  It's the Law of Attraction, the Law of Polarities. If you want happiness, luck, love, and beauty, embody those things, look for them, and call them to you.  Put them out there.  Smile at a stranger.  Say a kind word.  Help someone who is struggling.  When that happens, the ripples begin and, who knows?  Maybe somewhere down the line someones anger and frustration are melted into compassion, someone goes home and tells their partner just how much they are appreciated, someone decides they are worthy of being kind to themselves.  The possibilities are endless!

And to think it all began with a random act of kindness.

My own first random act today is to tell my readers just how much I appreciate you all!  I wholeheartedly appreciate that each of you take time out of your day to connect with me through this medium.  I know just how busy life can be and I am humbled that my oh-so-insufficient grasp on this language touches you in one way or another.  I can only hope that my emotions and experiences related here find some way into your life (even if it's in a this-is-what-you-don't-do kind of way).

These words have reached to all corners of the world and it awes me to think that I have directly impacted, in one way or another, readers in Germany, Romania, Lativa, and Australia, among other far reaching and exotic lands.  You bless me each time I check my statistics and see a new place on the map.  I want you to know that, if you are reading this, there is a woman on a small ridge in Missouri, USA, sending you love and thanks.  You touch my soul with your presence and it enriches my life in way I simply can not articulate in words.

Thank you all and brightest blessings my friends!

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